Passing the knowledge.

Passing the knowledge.

Fall culminates in selection, and late November and December match of new class of physicians who will train in fellowships across USA. Fellowships in medicine include such fields as cardiology, allergology and rheumatology among others.

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We Are Reading Poetry - Libby Lykins, PA.

We Are Reading Poetry - Libby Lykins, PA.

Libby is a Physician Assistant in sunny CA who shares my passion for patient care and well-being. She has a unique sensitivity and makes observation of healthcare profession from a point of compassion toward her patients which she extends toward herself and her colleagues who work tirelessly during pandemic.

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We Are Reading Poetry - a foot doc is in house.

We Are Reading Poetry - a foot doc is in house.

Dr. Michael Battey has been a good colleague of mine back when he directed RWMC Podiatry Residency Program. I always enjoyed his seasoned take on things in medicine, contemplative wisdom and a cool of the surgeon. In addition he is funny in a best possible way - subdued and dry. Like well mixed martini with just one-green-olive.

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Dr. Amber’s period panties - conversation that matters.

Dr. Amber’s period panties - conversation that matters.

Dr. Amber Robins-Hickson is not only MD with specialty in Family Practice but a person with vivid and creative mind that led her to a few business ventures. Her newest line of product - period panties - with her company SanxtuaryMD is a main topic of this video-conversation. Dr. Gilek also talks with Dr. Amber about periods, awareness of needs of menstruating people in area of information and product support.

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We Are Reading Poetry with Dr. Ronan Kavanagh (</a>)

We Are Reading Poetry with Dr. Ronan Kavanagh (

With gentle presence of poetry the idea is to bring awareness to wellbeing efforts for HCW and also illustrate a devastating aspect of burnout. If we can show the light to even a single person who struggles and contemplates the idea of leaving the professions it makes a difference and builds hope that together we can move the needle in the right direction.

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We Are Reading Poetry with Dr. Izabela Malinowska.

We Are Reading Poetry with Dr. Izabela Malinowska.

We Are Reading Poetry series is a collage of meetings with healthcare workers (HCW) and those who support them. This series is to bring awareness to tremendous toll of burnout on front line workers and to combat despair, isolation and one sided monologue who a HCW should or should not be. Wellbeing of HCW is an issue that we can and should cultivate as a community.

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Support Wellness.

Support Wellness.

The balance between work and personal life is a topic of many conversations. With this post I want to reflect on friendship and circumstances of last year and a half that could have been very challenging for those who are in caregiving professions, and those who constantly give back through their work, like nurses, acupuncturists - like Erin, teachers, academicians and healthcare providers of all sorts. It is not to diminish pain and suffering of other groups that have been touched negatively in last year.

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Feet Are What?

Feet Are What?

Lovely and light conversation with Physician Assistant Libby Lykins about Feet (as part of Foot Care Series). Home foot massage, foot as a fetish, what is the other side of non-medical way one can think about feet? Listen to this podcast to find more.

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Meditation no. 3 - poetry.

Meditation no. 3 - poetry.

Did you know that many meditation apps started including poetry in their menu? Poetry can be so many different experiences for each of us. There are poems weaved in other sections of the blog that I welcome you to explore. I reviewed a few poetry collections in Bookish section. I am always hunting for more relevant or beautiful poetry collections.

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Gut Health
Meditation no. 2 - near water.

Meditation no. 2 - near water.

Meditation with water source. Find out how you can meditate simply, with nature, and in the background of water. Pleasures and sources of relaxation and great comfort are near and dear.

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Clinician: meditate.

Clinician: meditate.

No matter what, to remain sharp, effective and focused, or simply to better balance, I find time for few minutes meditation practice during my day. It is a needed pause that I talk about in today podcast. I found out the meditation that works for me, but always look for new challenges and discoveries that I shared here previously.

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Water your kidneys.

Water your kidneys.

The way I think about healthy ways to add hydration to your day is not only to help you stay on top of your kidney water exchange game, and getting rid of all the waste from your body, but also to have a very pleasurable (meditative?) experience while doing so.

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Yoga instructor Carin thinks we all have talent.

Yoga instructor Carin thinks we all have talent.

In this 15 minutes-plus talk with Carin Trainer, yoga teacher and naturopath with office on Cape Cod, (see one of links below) I capture the essence of this great instructor and gentle human who enjoys all her students and thinks that we are not clumsy or injured, but seeking, beautiful and improving. I do not think this is incidental that I ran into her class some years ago while vacationing on Cape, but with the blossoming of remote yoga options I can continue practicing with Carin from wherever I am located, granted that I have proper internet access and some decent viewing device, at least iPad. I learnt that for yoga-remote one needs good size computer or laptop screen and comfortable space for mat as yoga poses require a bit of real estate around you. The remote yoga workshops gave me an idea that I need my prompts: bolster cannot be easily replaced by pillow, I need belt and yoga blocks for the best possible experience of that practice.

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Meditation series, podcast. Stay tuned for first  episodes!

Meditation series, podcast. Stay tuned for first episodes!

Learn, Listen and Meditate with DocOffClock. Find ways and times that you discover space for taking care of your health, your meditative, balanced mind that does not require any extra room in your house, fancy gadget or expensive app.

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Libby Lykins, PA talks about Magnificent Metamorphosis.

I met Libby through our mutual friend Steve Lyons, the Cape Cod artist that I interviewed for these pages in spring. Libby is a woman who wears many hats - she is a practicing clinician, editor, author and transformation enthusiast who wants to reach broader audience with her Magnificent Metamorphosis Magazine, see link to blog I wrote about it 2 weeks ago. I sat down to talk to Libby about her passion in this 18 minute video, hope you enjoy.

Do you think of change, balance or transformation? Do you need minute for yourself, or perhaps you have strength to help and listen to others? Perhaps you are ready for Metamorphosis..

Follow the journey.