Day Trip to Provincetown, MA. (2020 classic).
Even in pandemic you should be able to get in your car for a day trip.
In New England there is many places full of charm and tradition that you can visit in a day with no need to book hotel. Most places observe masking requirements and physical distancing measures. Museums and shops may be closed, or limiting a number of patrons at any given time. If you do not want to eat (dine in)out you can order out sandwiches or make your own provisions and enjoy them on your mini-journey. I hope that if vaccination campaigns for Covid19 are successful we will be able to venture out more in (near?)future. For now get your car and camera ready and enjoy your neighborhood.
Day away.
Winter is not the most vivid, (but certainly not boring either) time to visit this lovely town at the tip of Cape Cod. It will take you probably at least 2 hours to get there from Boston and similar time from Providence, RI, which is much better in comparison to summer time traffic and gridlocks on “the bridges”.
Once you hit the monumental Bourne or Sagamore you will find that your mood improves and your heartbeat slows…
Sand and wind.
Around Christmas and New Years there are still a few stores open, masking in this town have been mandatory since summer 2020 and houses are prettily decorated for Holidays. The town is very compact and it does not take much time to get away from busier Commercial Street to the nearby beaches like this one pictured above - Herring Cove - with plenty of parking (near empty in December) with stunning views of Race Point Lighthouse in the distance.
Homes so cute.
My favorite activity anytime of the year is home peeking - there is a number of cute, stunning and pretty, usually very well-maintained, or even manicured, houses that are renovated remnants of sea captains and artists abodes that combine historic with modern in unpretentious, brilliant way.
“They said: Come along! They said: Leave your pebbles on the sand and come along, it’s long after sunset! ”
Do not miss Witch City during Halloween.
Take Me To The Ocean
But Return Me To My Garden.
Visit DeCordova Museum - park with wonderful sculptures.
For additional information read Moments section with link here.
Name of the piece to the left - DeCordova Ball.
Audubon in Wellfleet.
Flowers near Nature Center.
MA as a state provides many opportunities for nature walks and exploration. This Audubon in Wellfleet, Cape Cod is near Rt. 6 toward P-Town and has a few trails that will take you through the woods, near river and toward the ocean. We saw multiple turtles enjoying sun on branches in the middle of the river. There was a group of six of them on one tree.
Never bored on a boardwalk.
One of the trail loops takes you near Wellfleet flats on Bay Side. Planning is a key here as you can only enjoy it during low tides otherwise marshes are covered with tidal water. At low tide - we did it two hours before dead low - you can go all the way to the water edge and enjoy marine life seen in sand and pools of seawater.
Visit Rocky Woods, kids allowed.
Occupy the children.
In a few parks I noted the posts along the trail loops with copy of book pages from children literature. Genius! Keeps adults and children occupied and takes care of entertainment of little ones on the healthy walk. Do you know that brisk walking may be healthy for your brain?
Make it to Emerson– Thoreau Amble, see map for location.
I first had to check the dictionary for what amble means. English as a second language does not only apply to primary school kids. Even in Polish there are multiple words that I am forgetting and at the same time there is always more to enrich my language for. In English and in Polish. I am forever fascinated and impressed by people who use language skillfully and with wisdom, with humor and to educate. Recent impression - Netflix mini-series with author and public speaker (the collaborative with Martin Scorsese) Fran Leibowitz who takes us to her New York. She uses her words with lightness and mixes serious with comical in the same sentence - what a skill!
But, back to the subject….
So what does amble mean? Per dictionary “amble” is to walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace. Isn’t that a perfect word to learn for this website? I am after all keen on all sorts of “ambling”.
If you are in New England try to to visit Concord, MA. It can be an amazing and full of history day trip. Start with this amble and move closer to city center (mask on, 6 feet apart)for shopping experience, or at least stroll down the streets of this picturesque town. Recent Little Women adaptation (by Greta Gerwig) was partially filmed in the house occupied by the book’s author (Alcott) and the movie that was released pre-pandemic was filmed right in this lovely town, among other settings.
Amble and do not stumble.
Easy walk, 3.4 miles both directions is a perfect 40 minutes exercise for entire family. The path goes along wooded paths, creeks, natural stream and small ponds.
Wooden bench near T. cabin site - isn’t that an object of art? I love the marriage of wood and metal. This nice asymmetric construction overlooks Walden Pond.
Build it.
Memories with family, connections, relaxation. Build your life among experiences rather than goods - even in time of pandemic there are sights to see, people to love, hiking shoes to wear.
I am traveling back in time to 2016 office party.
We used to have this fun office party, BYO and share with all everything heart desires. From home-made cookies, lasagne, specialty chocolates, fruit salad to bread and meats platter. We were looking forward to this event where everybody on our floor was invited and welcomed. We had fun, great many photos and good food accompanied by spirit of all winter holidays as our international, diverse team celebrated various religious and cultural events this lovely month.
This year there will be no party, no yankee gift swap, no decorations and sadly no food exchange.
To brighten mood I dare to prepare for celebration and I encourage you to do the same anyway you can. Get your tree early (press button below for pick in Rhode Island where I work and which state I adore) pull the cork and go caroling.
Thanksgiving @home.
When travel is not the best thing to do. 2020 edit
Be inspired by art, click link below.
Let me be a giver.
This week I chose a poem that reflects on Thanksgiving. We are so used to saying thanks, but why not imagine the opposite of that: how does it feel to give, to be on the receiving end of “thanks”. I think there is an art in thanking, but perhaps even more grace in giving. The one who gives has to make a plan of what to give, how, when, to who. It takes a lot of energy to be a good “gifter”, but we should all try to be on that end of the spectrum. This Thanksgiving give more than take and accept thank you with elegance.
This second week of November I remote travel for my ACR conference.
ACR is American College of Rheumatology.
In past I was traveling to annual meeting conferences to various cities in the USA: Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco. I learned a lot medicine, but also (as foreign-born citizen) I learned a lot about beauty and diversity in the America. As I progressed in years I also found out how to do it right and to take extra day or two just dedicated to sightseeing. This way I saw many great sites in San Francisco, like Alcatraz, I went to jazz concert and walked Golden Gate Bridge. I admired modern art in Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago and their amazing Art Institute. I visited a capital in Fall, walked the National Mall and tasted local food in DC.
This year I “travelled remotely” to see my favorite teachers, mentors, and to watch and learn via video platform. We also organized virtual meeting with past co-fellows from my fellowship Alma Matter UTSW Dallas, TX, and I have to say it was a bittersweet occasion. I was glad we did it and kept in touch, exchange our experiences, especially now in Covid19 pandemic, but also sad that we could not see each other in person. Is the ACR 2020 meeting perfect this new way, perhaps not, but much it is still needed for advance of science and patient care. I miss large crowds, running into folks I know in hallways, even for few precious minutes, taking a lunch break with ex-fellow or teacher. This year we have more social media and even #petsofACR20, but it all just does not cut it for me. I am sure ACR annual meeting will never be the same, the international audience may rarely decide to fly for few day meeting to the USA. I may choose to travel for only local meetings within 1-3 hours flight, but how about acquiring knowledge of a new city, meeting a friend face to face, participating in fellowship re-union?
Only time will tell how the meeting and we all shape after 2020 is long over. It is what it is for now and we have to make the best of it.
English bike, travel in style!
Of course I could not enclose picture of British Isles bike without video of one of my favorite songs of legendary band Queen. Freddy Mercury remains one of my favorite voices of past century and his sense of humor is phenomenal and never expiring.
I consider Mercury (and in fact all the band)an English gentleman and listing him next to this British bike seemed appropriate and classy.
Song fragment below:
You say Rolls, I say Royce
You say God give me a choice
You say Lord, I say Christ
I don't believe in Peter Pan
Frankenstein or Superman
All I wanna do is
Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle, races are coming your way
Cruising for bruising.
Very cool English bike. I will not ride on it as I like my equipment newer, female anatomy friendly…with gears and up to date brakes, other modern safety features that this bike does not have. However I can see it in front yard as a living art with flower basket on it as I spotted in a few yards in New England. One could consider biking on it with proper repair and tune ups. Fall is such a great biking season on which I wrote post in past months. See button below for details.
This time I am visiting part of Boston’s Arnold Arboretum and take a walk around Peter’s Hill.
The warm autumn day was so brilliant that we could see Boston skyline from the elevation of The Hill where many others scattered around on grass picnicking, enjoying time with family, friends and their pets. If you visit check the Arboretum website for some parking restrictions that may be in place.

Active wasp nest. This part of park has many fruit trees, mostly apples and pears. There are benches and fantastic hill drops perfect for taking a rest on blanket or set up a picking location. Social distancing is easy as park is quite large. Masks are required and majority of folks adhered to them in the park. The park is located near Jamaica Plains.

The yellow and green play on this tree is amazing and with sun low in the sky it creates lovely effect.

Ipswich, MA. Fall travel.
Masked and 6-feet apart - staying local.
Best clams on planet.
Hands down!
As long as weather allows sitting outside is a good option to continue with best cuisine on earth.
If you continue down the street there is my favorite Village Pancake house (Rowley, MA).
Apple me crazy.
Love those apple varieties the farm and orchard in this lovely village has to offer; out and about, masked, but enjoying this short season.
Fall travel mini edition, but at least out of the house…and hospital, clinic and any healthcare environment.
Dog, doggy, dog.
In the middle of Ipswich village there is a lovely park sitting right in the center of this pretty town with few tables and chairs and with this dog sculpture.
There is quite a selection of local restaurants and even farm where you can get your food and eat out enjoying the park, warm weather, fall sun and the …dog.
Ipswich river runs through this town and has one of the oldest bridges that is also very near the town center.
Travel short distances, support local florist.
Providence, RI
This September I devote my travels to celebrate (in some way) healthcare professionals. I will probably continue doing so in October, November and so on.
Each late spring when I graduate the class of my rheumatology fellows I visit this lovely florist (Frey) and get bunches of flowers for nurses, some guests, some fellows. I love that Frey is nearby the hospital complex close both to Roger Williams Medical Center and its outpatient clinics, Cancer Center, Elmhurst Rehab and Veteran Affairs hospital.
There are so many folks who will love the flowers!
Cape Cod Rail Bike Trail.
The 25 miles of “feels like heaven” biking experience.
I have travelled on this bike path so much that now I am in the mode to create mini outings when I travel this marvelous site. I branch out off the trail (famous CCRT) to a nice bakery (Hopkins House in Brewster)or to the nearby hardware store to buy some bleach (reminder that yes we still have pandemic); then on a different day I take a Nauset Trail loop near Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham, which itself is a great area to hike, picnic, kayak or go inside the visitor center and take a break on your destination to All Things Cape Cod. Multiple ways we rest and travel changed in Covid Zone, but life on Cape Cod is always about supporting local business and art, relaxation, and re-invention of sites that are so familiar, but also that you are so eager to re-create and find a new layer to the natural beauty of this locale.
Press button below to visit the website where there is a lot of useful information in relation to The CCRT, pandemic related rules and regulations, and other good to know facts.
Nauset Beach Light off Nauset Bike Trail and near Nauset Light Beach
Cape Cod National Seashore near Eastham, Massachusetts.
Start your bike trip at Salt Pond Visitor Center (see map)or anywhere is Eastham along the CCRT. Serene and very photogenic, this site provides for quiet and reflective mood; if you are lucky you will see rare bird species along the marshes on your trail, and on the way to see seals off the Nauset Light Beach, which is very popular and fills up around 10 am almost all summer long. While on bike tour consider taking a swimsuit so you can sunbathe near Atlantic on this pristine Cape beach that has change station and bathrooms, open this summer. Cape Cod’s Atlantic waters are natural habitat for sharks so I do not dare swimming there, at least on this side of Cape.
Your destination - Italian Garden.
Lynch Park, Beverly, MA.
The town of Beverly.
Busting with live, rejuvenating each summer with more things to see and do. The harbor is busy with boats, bathers and beachgoers looking for sunshine and natural beauty, which this seaside town has plentiful to offer. Known for art and music scene, colleges, good eateries Beverly shifts with time with ease and without pretense, mixing what is old and new in an attractive and progressive manner. Located about 25 miles north of Boston, the parts of 128 leading to it may be clogged during peak summer days and weekends, but otherwise the city is well accessible by car and train.
The Garden.
Beverly used to be a vacation destination at the end of XIX and beginning of XX century. In 1909 and 1910 president Tufts rented a cottage, Stetson Hall, in what is now location of Lynch Park, the gorgeous spot with expansive lawn, 3-side water views and a few other attractions, Italian Garden included.
Later on the cottage was moved on the barges to a nearby Marblehead; the president Tufts and his family spent two more summers in Beverly, known as the “summer capitol” at the time, at the different cottage in Beverly. The Italian Garden was established in the site after the house and has been cultivated ever since.
The flowers in Italian Garden.
The Italian Garden is a secluded attractive garden with multitude of roses and other spring and summer flowers, with areas to sit and picnic nearby for one to enjoy and escape from other parts of the park. The Garden is a site of weddings, birthday celebrations and other occasions that call for natural wonder and alluring surroundings.
This year the visit to the park has been limited to local residents due to pandemic and need for physical distancing.
Biking at Minute Man National Park
Located about 15 miles west of Boston at the Lexington and Concord city line the Minute Man Park is a wonderful get away for a great hike or biking experience. We started our bike ride at parking site along the Old Massachusetts Ave. in Lexington just before left turn into Wood St. The first site is the markings of Fiske House now only visible with site markings. There is a 0.9 mile hiking loop taking you through Fiske Hill and back to the parking lot.
We followed The Battle Road Trail that is very popular with hikers and bikers. The path is unpaved and has gravel at few locations, but is generally easy to navigate with regular bike. We passed many historical sites and houses that were well described and depicted Revolutionary War of 1775. The trail also leads along old farming sites and even has one working farm along its path.
We passed Hartwell Tavern that holds programs in spring till fall, but not now in pandemic where visitor sites are closed.
There is also plenty of natural beauty to admire along the way. We spotted garter snake and a frog. I watched patches of wild flowers and many mature trees. The trail does not loop back, but runs like straight line 4.9 miles in one direction. Prepare a good snack and take plenty of water, bug spray and wear mask as most other hikers and bikers.

Enjoy cherry ice cream.
Travel to Danvers, MA
There is this little ice cream place on North Shore of Boston, Cherry Farm Creamery, see button for more details, that I would like to visit and I think of when I write all things cherries this week. I recall many evenings spent there enjoying their very well known cherry vanilla ice cream or some other flavor of ice cream frappe. I asked them to make a malt for me on occasion, after I fell in love in this form of creamy delight in my New York state days, where I enjoyed many rich (and very high calories) malts on Long Island. It is OK to indulge in 20’s without a sin, but now malt memory brings me to tears.
The Cherry Farm creations are delicious and satisfying in very nice surroundings. I recall the place being really busy on summer evenings; now the place remains open for ice cream and online orders. There is a golf course just next door to it so the outing may become all family and much longer affair, when back in business. For now I am dreaming of next time I am there to enjoy my portion of cherry vanilla ice cream.
Beachcomber, Wellfleet, MA
Picture of the restaurant taken off season, notice the blue sky with few tiny clouds above.
The gorgeous town of Wellfleet on the lower Cape have unlimited amount of natural beauty. Sitting between the tip and the elbow of Cape Cop it is surrounded by vast areas of water, Atlantic on one side and Bay Area on the other. Multiple inlets and marshes create natural habitat for many sea side animals species. Marconi and Cahoon Hollow Atlantic beaches will take your breath away, for years…
Dramatic cliff drops on the beaches and miles of bike paths that pass through the town are only some of attractions. A few photos from the Cahoon Hollow beach near the Beachcomber are in gallery below. The Beachcomber is a well known beach front bar and eatery that is so lively and heavily occupied in the summer that to actually have a meal there is still on my bucket list. Last time I visited we were to wait for food about 60 minutes so we changed our mind and continued on our sightseeing voyage. It was a very hot August day so it should not be surprising to find the pace so busy with visitors. I hope that the place will open soon for at least on line orders and take outs.

Pandemic travel fashion.
Aka when the only place you travel to is work or medical appointment, or to get groceries, list is short.
Boots, start walking.
The only pair of boots I have been wearing for the last two month. Super comfy, they station in the garage, require minimal attention to upkeep and are 4 seasons ready.
Facial wear.
This lovely and sturdy mask belongs to my co-worker and was gifted to her by friend whose mom makes face masks in pandemic. I cannot picture anything more fashionable and appropriate these days.
Is that kimono?
This photo is not from visit to Japan, but rather place-not-many-miles-away in a hospital where I went for recent testing. The gown is part of the process. Comfy, cozy, clean. Trust me, you would think about walking off wearing it, too!
Travel very limited during social (and responsible) distancing age.
Deer repelling dianthus already looking pretty, just one day in the garden.
Hi, I am Lama.
The unexpected of the visit to local farm (see button)where we got mulch for the garden is that in one of their locations (stone yard, other landscape supplies)they have animals farm, which you can see responsibly while getting essentials for your garden. I think it is smart to look at animals, but I would not encourage petting them at this time. We do not know enough about spread of Covid19 to and from animals and it would be a shame to expose these beauties to a virus that we still do not know how to handle well.
It takes four to tango…Tulips with fresh mulch.
Visit New Hampshire: travels to Grand Monadnock.
Mountains reflect a sense of closeness to nature, challenge and healthy lifestyle.
I come back with memories to trips to mountain sides, whether in USA, or like last weekend to Poland (Three Crowns Massive, see below). The nostalgia of time off and travel, walks and adventure stays with me recently more than even before. This weekend my memories take me to mountains in New Hampshire, about 90 minutes north of Boston (62 miles), to the stunning area of Granite State with its all natural beauty of forests, hills an and mountains surrounded by picturesque villages with they old times glory and New England architecture. The Mt. Monadnock is perhaps most commonly hiked mountain in US, cited as one of the most popular summit in a world, a treat for any hiker who wants to challenge themselves in its rocky tops, or less avid traveler who wants to walk the lower passages and let the nature envelop them with views of trees, rocks, creaks and native animals. While on a trail you can see abandon mountain cranberry, and pass by the sleeping hollow of black bear. In tourist season the trails are as busy as Fifth Avenue so encounter with a bear would be nearing a miracle.
Visit to Three Crowns Massif in Poland.
My trip to Poland and stay in town of Sczczawnica, with multiple modern accommodations for international traveler.
Travel to Poland from the living room.
I miss times when we could travel freely. However, I enjoy my collection of pictures from past journeys. I bet that there is a lot of folks who find themselves going back memory lane, and searching pictures that were stored in “dust” of cloud computing, and perhaps waiting for a moment like that to be visited again. So why I “stay home” my weekends I take a trip abroad. This time I visit my country of birth, Poland.
The mountains pictured above are in south of Poland and are called Three Crowns (TC). They are part of Pieniny Mountains range, composed mostly of limestone. The dramatic views and multiple trails make TC an instant hit with any traveler and are a hiker paradise. Last time I visited the mountains I took a boat trip down the nearby huge tourist attraction, Dunajec River; the small wooden boat/raft, was shared with a few other travelers, and navigated by “fisaka” (there is not really a great translation for this word describing this profession in English) - a tour guide and a boat captain in one, sharing stories about region and the river from the times gone by. The views from the river are breathtaking and make for a memorable experience.
While there we visited Niedzica Castle (photo below) with stunning views of nearby Lake Czorsztyn. The renovated castle has a tumultuous and dark history, some of if part legend, part reality. They include tales of mischievious counts who tortured nearby peasants, priests and other locals.This region is so chuck full of original historical sites and natural beauty that whenever I visit I do not shy away with request to go back and visit this mesmerizing part of my old country.
The best way to get there is to start in Krakow, with its international airport, and visit via rented car, or public and private mass transit, and dedicate 3 days for such trip to absorb what this and nearby areas have to offer.
Fisak dressed in traditional attire tells the stories as memorable as river itself.
The river rapids and bents surprise you each time with a splash of cold water at times.
You cannot help but imagine times of Polish aristocratic families with stories of past balls, games and dark secrets of the chambers.
Now the site for a feast for the eyes and photo op!
Visit to Chatham on Cape Cod, MA.
The memories of things we used to do…often.
Right along where Rt. 28 North, where Harwich meets Chatham, you will see stunning views along the road overlooking Pleasant Bay area. Continue on that road toward Chatham Lighthouse and Lighthouse Beach with spacey parking lot. If you are lucky to find a free spot take that right off and continue toward the rapid drop down the steps toward the stretch of white sand overlooking Atlantic. The views are stunning. The soft sand is perfect for comfortable walk and play on this popular beach. The picture to the left is of structure built from drift wood and other random items to construct this “Chatham resort” - another popular draw for photographers and tourists alike.
Top row of gallery below shows views along the Pleasant Bay.
Middle and bottom rows are breathtaking views of Atlantic off the Lighthouse Beach.
My little libraries
Libraries around us.
I have always been fascinated by lil’ libraries around us. They vary a bit by shape and form, but the main idea behind them to share a piece of literature in your hood is just so kind and progressive. My own home library was enriched by a few of My Little Library finds, and I donated a book back.
Memories and adjustment with nowhere to go.
Shut down of museums
This is quite an old photo from Boston’s Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum overlooking the courtyard with lush greenery, some exotic, in the middle of art rich museum space. Always such a pleasure to take a walk and view paintings and sculptures housed in the past property of Isabella who was a successful female art conservator, collector and visionary. The building was inspired by Palazzo Barbaro, a Venetian palace owned by Mr. and Mrs. Curtis from Boston.
Many Boston museums are either closed or will be closed in a day or two, but this does not mean the stewardship and art dialogue stops there. Many museums made on-line experiences available free for viewers not minding browsing the internet in order to stay informed and entertained while our life is so drastically changed with Covid-19 pandemic.