Passing the knowledge.

Passing the knowledge.

Fall culminates in selection, and late November and December match of new class of physicians who will train in fellowships across USA. Fellowships in medicine include such fields as cardiology, allergology and rheumatology among others.

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We Are Reading Poetry…and We Talk

We Are Reading Poetry…and We Talk

Sharon is a board certified plastic surgeon and creator of FaceBook Female Entrepreneurs Group in which she connects with like-minded physicians who branch out of medicine to do more. The ''more'' is many things: business, self-expression, private office or creative endeavors. We talk about that in this 8 minute interview. The poem she reads is by William Bennett and taken right from children book.

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Podcast guest Libby Lykins - PA, author and creator - talks about what motivates her, how she finds inspiration in meditative spaces, but also exercise, diet and …. karate.

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Elizabeth Goldberg, MD on fall prevention.

Elizabeth Goldberg, MD on fall prevention.

What to do to prevent falls? There is a growing body of fascinating research out there, some with use of fancy electronic devices. On that and other falls-related issues, like healthy brain and senses, I talk with Brown University ED physician Liz Goldberg, MD who also co-created Covid risk calculation app.

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Michael Putnam reads medical literature with me.

Michael Putnam reads medical literature with me.

Dr. Putnam has a podcast where he concentrates on literature review relevant to rheumatology. He recently gave talk on how to review literature for American College of Rheumatology 2020 all virtual annual meeting. It is then that I invited him to talk to me about lessons I learned based on his speech, but also to review osteoarthritis treatment trial with use of prednisolone (steroid) that was named HOPE and was released in 2019 by Lancet publications.

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Author of new book β€œReflections on Transcendence” Libby Lykins.

Author of new book β€œReflections on Transcendence” Libby Lykins.

The interview of author and clinician (Libby) who just released her book Reflections on Transcendence with images of Cape Cod artist Steve Lyons. I interviewed both of them for this website in past. I hope to inspire those that search for beauty and reflection.

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Fellowship interviews - remote edit.

Fellowship interviews - remote edit.

In this short video I talk about my interview experience in 2020. The year when we do so many things differently….adjustment or innovations? The same can be said about job interviews. I recorded this short clip with no interviewees in as my reflection on the day of the rheumatology fellows candidates interview. Also on these blog pages you will find post on remote interview with tips how to make sure it goes well for you and your guests. You will find it in section Moments published October 19th 2020.

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Physical therapy in time of pandemic, Dr. Nula tells all.

Physical therapy in time of pandemic, Dr. Nula tells all.

My full conversation with Dr. Nula, PT in Rhode Island @Elite Physical Therapy Offices is presented without edits in video below. While I published abbreviated version previously this full talk addresses much more: we talk about health integration, benefits of therapy on musculoskeletal and rheumatology health, relations that we establish with therapists and the therapists with their patients. We address issue of Telehealth that is being utilized in physical therapy as well, and how we wish that this technology helping patients to stay connected and treated is here to stay. I mention that Telehealth is in my opinion an equalizer that bridges health access for patients with various disorders and Dr. Nula talks about that as well. In this time of multitude of social justice discussions it is important we bring that aspect of care to the table as well. Change in policies should follow so Telehealth is not a nuisance, but part of treatment and management strategies for years to come.

Photo from Elite Physical Therapy Website.

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Interview with Ellie Collins, advanced practice Nurse in Psychiatry: mental health in time of pandemic.

Interview with Ellie Collins, advanced practice Nurse in Psychiatry: mental health in time of pandemic.

The recent events shook us to the core. We deal with emotions and challenges of pandemic in different ways. I do not think there are two people on this planet who go through this common experience in the same way. Some deal with long standing mental illness, some suddenly found themselves anxious, frozen, or possibly feeling superpower and engaging in reckless behaviors. I work with Ellie at the same institution for the last six years and we share not only patients, but also friends and experiences together. This togetherness and connection created a perfect set up for talk with Ellie about her field of medicine in relation to pandemic and human emotions.

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My talk and body stretch with chiropractor Dr. Chris Gould

My talk and body stretch with chiropractor Dr. Chris Gould

Chiropractic care dates back to Palmer father and son who established the concept of healing through body manipulation at the end of XIX century. At the beginning more cult than science the practice developed and is now recognized as form of integrative health modalities. Practitioners obtain education and license to be able to see patients. Some of them practice mixed form of healing where manipulation is combined with other therapies, like physiotherapy, or are straight chiropractors concentrating on alignment only.

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Talk with Doc - dietitian Emily talks nutrition in time of pandemic.

Talk with Doc - dietitian Emily talks nutrition in time of pandemic.

I am honored to have my friend Emily to talk to me about all things diet and answer questions that emerged during Covid19 pandemic. Emily works in Rhode Island and that is where I met her. She is an amazing person and a dietitian who is board certified in gerontological nutrition. Her treatment philosophy is promoting patient wellbeing through education on neurobiology of a healthy diet. I am happy that she is quite adventurous to agree for this interview with me and even better - share science behind all this diet talk, including why we indulge on ice cream in this time of national anxiety.

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Talk with Doc videos - part 1.

Talk with Doc videos - part 1.

Today I take you on the journey with medical assistant Jeannette who I work with and who has over 3 decades of clinical experience in the filed of rheumatology. She is a champion for patients, but she also inspired me with her handling of the pandemic with her strength, wisdom and grace. See more by watching the video.

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Libby Lykins, PA talks about Magnificent Metamorphosis.

I met Libby through our mutual friend Steve Lyons, the Cape Cod artist that I interviewed for these pages in spring. Libby is a woman who wears many hats - she is a practicing clinician, editor, author and transformation enthusiast who wants to reach broader audience with her Magnificent Metamorphosis Magazine, see link to blog I wrote about it 2 weeks ago. I sat down to talk to Libby about her passion in this 18 minute video, hope you enjoy.

Do you think of change, balance or transformation? Do you need minute for yourself, or perhaps you have strength to help and listen to others? Perhaps you are ready for Metamorphosis..

Follow the journey.