We Are Reading Poetry with Dr. Izabela Malinowska.
We Are Reading Poetry series is a collage of meetings with healthcare workers (HCW) and those who support them. This series is to bring awareness to tremendous toll of burnout on front line workers and to combat despair, isolation and one sided monologue who a HCW should or should not be. Wellbeing of HCW is an issue that we can and should cultivate as a community.

Meditation no. 3 - poetry.
Did you know that many meditation apps started including poetry in their menu? Poetry can be so many different experiences for each of us. There are poems weaved in other sections of the blog that I welcome you to explore. I reviewed a few poetry collections in Bookish section. I am always hunting for more relevant or beautiful poetry collections.

Meditation no. 2 - near water.
Meditation with water source. Find out how you can meditate simply, with nature, and in the background of water. Pleasures and sources of relaxation and great comfort are near and dear.
Podcast guest Libby Lykins - PA, author and creator - talks about what motivates her, how she finds inspiration in meditative spaces, but also exercise, diet and β¦. karate.
Gardening as a tool of relaxation.
Audio on meditative quality of gardening. The best time to start your garden is - now!

Yoga instructor Carin thinks we all have talent.
In this 15 minutes-plus talk with Carin Trainer, yoga teacher and naturopath with office on Cape Cod, (see one of links below) I capture the essence of this great instructor and gentle human who enjoys all her students and thinks that we are not clumsy or injured, but seeking, beautiful and improving. I do not think this is incidental that I ran into her class some years ago while vacationing on Cape, but with the blossoming of remote yoga options I can continue practicing with Carin from wherever I am located, granted that I have proper internet access and some decent viewing device, at least iPad. I learnt that for yoga-remote one needs good size computer or laptop screen and comfortable space for mat as yoga poses require a bit of real estate around you. The remote yoga workshops gave me an idea that I need my prompts: bolster cannot be easily replaced by pillow, I need belt and yoga blocks for the best possible experience of that practice.

Meditation, episode no.1
Meditate with Doc Off Clockβ¦but really? I explore ways to enter this side of self that provides for comfort and ease of life.
Libby Lykins, PA talks about Magnificent Metamorphosis.
I met Libby through our mutual friend Steve Lyons, the Cape Cod artist that I interviewed for these pages in spring. Libby is a woman who wears many hats - she is a practicing clinician, editor, author and transformation enthusiast who wants to reach broader audience with her Magnificent Metamorphosis Magazine, see link to blog I wrote about it 2 weeks ago. I sat down to talk to Libby about her passion in this 18 minute video, hope you enjoy.
Do you think of change, balance or transformation? Do you need minute for yourself, or perhaps you have strength to help and listen to others? Perhaps you are ready for Metamorphosis..