

I started review of fellowship applicants and one item in the paperwork that draws my attention is applicant’s hobbies. What do you put in the application? Do you limit yourself to predictable and easy, or do you choose to disclose what you really like?

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Clinician: meditate.

Clinician: meditate.

No matter what, to remain sharp, effective and focused, or simply to better balance, I find time for few minutes meditation practice during my day. It is a needed pause that I talk about in today podcast. I found out the meditation that works for me, but always look for new challenges and discoveries that I shared here previously.

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Libby Lykins, PA talks about Magnificent Metamorphosis.

I met Libby through our mutual friend Steve Lyons, the Cape Cod artist that I interviewed for these pages in spring. Libby is a woman who wears many hats - she is a practicing clinician, editor, author and transformation enthusiast who wants to reach broader audience with her Magnificent Metamorphosis Magazine, see link to blog I wrote about it 2 weeks ago. I sat down to talk to Libby about her passion in this 18 minute video, hope you enjoy.

Do you think of change, balance or transformation? Do you need minute for yourself, or perhaps you have strength to help and listen to others? Perhaps you are ready for Metamorphosis..

Follow the journey.