Libby and I have been hanging out - mostly virtually - for a while.

She is a friend of Cape Cod artist Steven Lyons who passed away in 2021. Steve and I spoke about art and medicine in the time when he battled brain tumor. Libby and I bonded over admiration of Steve’s contemporary art, and even more important his kindness and charm, compassion and love of life. Gradually we kept being part of each other medical and non-medical life (Libby is a Physician Assistant in sunny CA). Ms. Lykins has a unique sensitivity and makes observation of healthcare profession from the point of empathy toward her patients which she extends toward herself and her colleagues who work tirelessly during pandemic. She publishes Magnificent Metamorphosis Magazine. She is the author of book Reflections on Transcendence (art and inspirational quotes) which she published in 2021.

And this time Libby reads poetry that she chose and recorded exclusively for this website.

To see series of our meetings follow buttons below or scroll all the way down to see video with poem Libby chose and read. Enjoy!

(For the purpose of HCW wellness support efforts Libby recorder this great piece by William Wordsworth - Ode.)

Give yourself a gift of 5 minute contemplation with the video below.

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We Are Reading Poetry…and We Talk


We Are Reading Poetry - a foot doc is in house.