Talk with Doc - dietitian Emily talks nutrition in time of pandemic.

I am honored to have Emily, clinical dietitian, to talk to me about all things diet and answer questions that emerged during Covid19 pandemic. Emily works in Rhode Island in Roger Williams Hospital and that is where I met her. She is an amazing person, board certified in gerontological nutrition; she is a busy clinician.  Her treatment philosophy is promoting patient wellbeing through education on neurobiology of a healthy diet. I am happy that she is quite adventurous to agree for this interview with me and even better - share science behind all this diet talk, including why we indulge on ice cream in this time of (inter)national anxiety. However talk with Emily also makes me humble about how each family struggles and adjusts in this time. Her personal story weaving through the interview is honest and I am so glad that I met her and can call her a friend. To find out more watch video below.

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Talk with Doc videos - part 1.