My talk and body stretch with chiropractor Dr. Chris Gould

Chiropractic care dates back to Palmer father and son who established the concept of healing through body manipulation at the end of XIX century. At the beginning more cult than science the practice developed and is now recognized as form of integrative health modalities. Practitioners obtain education and license to be able to see patients. Some of them practice mixed form of healing where manipulation is combined with other therapies, like physiotherapy, or are straight chiropractors concentrating on alignment only. Insurance companies of multiple states now provide coverage for chiropractic visits for their patients. I learned more about chiropractic care a year ago while preparing series of lectures for alternative health conference that I held at Roger Willams Medical Center in Providence. I was so inspired by that experience that I reached out to my colleague Dr. Gould who agreed to talk about his patient care and share with me his experiences of seeing patients with musculoskeletal complaints. The last 6 minutes of video Chris and I stretch our stiff bodies to relax after hours behind the computer, the sentiment that can be shared by many. I hope you enjoy it.