Reflect on service to others.

Celebrate end of the year with positive attitude and reflect on service to others. This 5 minute reflective audio may help you visualize and develop attitude of gratefulness for good things that happen in your life through caring and caring profession. This audio can be played anytime you need positive lift and re-direction.

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Cultivate Your Best Self

Look and Feel Your Best No Matter What Life Throws at You. During the past year with COVID-19, physical and mental health for many people has taken a hit. But no matter the obstacles in your life, you can look and feel your best by taking care of yourself. Even though you may not always have much energy, taking care of yourself now will make you healthier and happier in the long term.

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Meditation (app)station.

If you have been following what’s going on in the wellness or preventive health measures movement, you most likely noticed the popularity and momentum gained by any type of mindfulness practices. Many of the practices moved totally in the virtual and app space. I have been exploring them for some time now.

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Brain food - brain series part 5.

When I think about nutrition for the brain it would be so simplistic to write: eat dark chocolate, blueberries, concentrate on reducing saturated fats, eat frequent nutritious meals, but allow 8 hour fast (if your health allows that)and make sure not to skip meals for longer than needed. 

However I think it is very crucial here that we think about how we live, where we live and what season of the year we are observing to choose the healthiest brain recipes. 

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Brain Health Series - part 4 - fall prevention.

Elizabeth Goldberg, MD agreed to talk to me about very interesting aspect of aging and brain/sensory related changes in nervous system that may cause falls. As a rheumatologist I vividly see how drastic life of my patients changes after falls. Aging skeleton is one of factors that predisposes to falls, but it really is multitude cognitive and other components that we have power to change, or at least understand and adjust, to prevent the unfortunate events of falls.

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Brain health part 3 - exercise, hormones and Rx.

In part one and two I introduced and expanded on the concept of brain health, the importance of stress reduction and weapons we all can use to prevent brain decay - exercise and its biology. Today I will keep explaining additional brain benefits of exercise. I will also tackle a few ideas how stress hormones can contribute to brain damage and what to do to prevent that.

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Reduce stress - with sense of humor.

This weekend I tuned into Rhode Island’s BrainWeek Conference that just came to the end, but is available on the website. There is even virtual theater performance with topic, brain of course. The YouTube videos of events will be available as well.

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Stress and brain. Part 2 - Physiology of Exercise.

One of the most potent weapons we have against aging of our brains and improving its function comes from exercise and the most compelling evidence about it comes from animal research, and few human-based studies.

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Cultivate your brain as you would a grain.

I think of a brain as I think of a grain (even the shape of it is provokingly similar to the shape of the brain). In order for that grain to grow you have to cultivate it, prevent from too much sun, under or overwatering or insect infestation. You may need to add special nutrition to the mix for the grain to grow into your desired plant. And then finally you put some effort into growing the grain and you see how it branches out and shows as talented leaves, petals, nectars that attract pollinators like honey-bees. In the next few months I want to concentrate on ideas on how to age gracefully or rather - how to grow older gracefully and I start with command center, the brain.

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My yoga bolster arrived.

I recorded the audio with my recent adventure in trying to find a great yoga bolster. Bolster can be used during meditation practice as well. I contemplate on winter meditation and how to find motivation to keep practicing.

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