Post Valentine’s Day blues.

I have two bouquets of flowers, one of tulips I bought in nearby farm and the second is my Valentine’s Day gift.

The flowers are gorgeous. I should have said were, but this is not what I really mean. To celebrate one day a year to think of love of this special person or those around you is a total waste of time for me. It is equally wasteful for me to look only for fresh, new, beautiful flowers or enjoy them only when they are in their first day glory. I refuse to submit to that and want to celebrate love, dedication and trust that comes with those feelings by getting rid of one day love holiday or 3-day expiration date on Valentine’s Day flowers.

When you change that mind set it is so much more empathetic - to self and others. It is so much more productive and natural that you no longer belong to the victims of anti-aging industry - the business that tells us that wrinkle is wrong, getting old is wrong and that after certain time it all is going to abyss. Think what you want, get a Botox if you choose to, but allow me to make a ponytail with grey hair streaks in it, wear long dresses not because I have fatty knees, but because I adore midi. Let me keep my flowers one week longer. If you are aligned with me on that there is no post VD blues, but road of hope and discovery [and great books about aging with grace (follow button to recent book choice)], where you allow yourself to find, to wonder and dream.


Cultivate your brain as you would a grain.


Winter outdoors.