Winter outdoors.
Morning kiss to my pet just before I go for winter walk.
There is nothing more refreshing that winter walk. To make it a success I wear layers, layers, layers. It takes me 10 minutes to get out of the door, but the result is magnificent. In fact I feel more invigorated to walk in cold winter air than any other time of the year. It also feels like I am stealing something forbidden and sneaking the activity that is reserved for outdoorsy life in other seasons. I however could not call myself a New Englander if I did not take to this and other winter exercises with at least a healthy degree of curiosity. I love brisk walk, snowshoe walk, cross-country hike on trails. The latter is perhaps the most adventurous to me. Last time I did that was early 2020 just before pandemic consumed us, in woods of New Hampshire. Oh past joy, how I miss thee! Now, for those interested in winter outdoors and to combine that with art experience there is a place in Vermont that allows both of these activities to be celebrated this cold [and other] season, press button below to explore.