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Car (or other) meditation with poetry.

“When you drive you should not meditate” - this is what my teachers tell me, however I am on the quest for alternative - the pause of sorts - different from music and news, from silence or road noise.

Average American commutes nearly 60 minutes a day one way so the two hours of our life should be spent well. Definition of well differs for each of us - one wants to catch up on phone calls and zoom meetings (with camera off). There is also a radio with music, which can be very relaxing, classic or more noisy rock to which I tune at times when I look for more alertness. What other choices one might have? 

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Meditative poetry reading part 1 Kat Gilek-Seibert

Podcasts? Yes. So many to choose from. My favorite  - podcasts. Here is an example of a 2 minute listen: mini-story of an Australian scientist and a musician who topped the charts with CD of endangered birds songs that were more popular than Adele and Taylor Swift albums. I find that amazing and eye opening on the issue of environmental awareness  and pleasing alternatives to auditory stimulants that we are surrounded by. So is poetry. The poetry I chose to read this week is from “She Walks in Beauty” the poetry selection by Caroline Kennedy. The book is a lovely and eclectic collection of poems from all over the world that reflects on woman life, culture, wisdom and combined human experiences. I hope you will enjoy as much as I do the poems in this 10 minute segment that you can listen to in a car, on your walk or any other place of your choosing.
