Pandemic talk with like-minded clinicians.

Pandemic talk with like-minded clinicians.

Listen to this 30 minutes talk that reinforced my idea that we are in it together, and if we surround ourselves with like-minded, kind individuals we will make it through tough time, perhaps even stronger, or at least more resourceful. We observe the innovation and creative thinking that has a tremendous role in our fight with deadly virus.

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Physical therapy in time of pandemic, Dr. Nula tells all.

Physical therapy in time of pandemic, Dr. Nula tells all.

My full conversation with Dr. Nula, PT in Rhode Island @Elite Physical Therapy Offices is presented without edits in video below. While I published abbreviated version previously this full talk addresses much more: we talk about health integration, benefits of therapy on musculoskeletal and rheumatology health, relations that we establish with therapists and the therapists with their patients. We address issue of Telehealth that is being utilized in physical therapy as well, and how we wish that this technology helping patients to stay connected and treated is here to stay. I mention that Telehealth is in my opinion an equalizer that bridges health access for patients with various disorders and Dr. Nula talks about that as well. In this time of multitude of social justice discussions it is important we bring that aspect of care to the table as well. Change in policies should follow so Telehealth is not a nuisance, but part of treatment and management strategies for years to come.

Photo from Elite Physical Therapy Website.

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Legacy of George Floyd

Legacy of George Floyd

For my full interview with social activist and associate professor of trauma and surgery at University of Chicago, Dr. Williams - press the button. I thought that the sign of time that this interview to be posted in Moments, the section of my blog dedicated to what is current, up to date, at times difficult, but what we need to talk about and be aware of. Watch a section, watch it all, I think that any part of the conversation may bud a curiosity in you to learn more about Black Americans, diversity, social justice and even pandemic. I remain grateful that Brian is a friend and colleague who (despite very busy calendar) wants to share his perspective, vulnerability and talk openly about matters that need to be brought to surface and addressed.

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Up close and personal with Dr. Brian Williams

Up close and personal with Dr. Brian Williams

2020 has been challenging not only due to pandemic, but also events of social activism and unrest related to aftermath of death of George Floyd, who lost his life in hands on police. While Mr. Floyd was suffocated with the knee in hands of those who should protect us, this event brought to the surface the fact that we are out of collective breath and can watch no more how inequalities affect all of us in negative way and prevent us from moving forward with healthy and balanced society, especially in time of pandemic, where so many goals of humanity should be (at least in theory) aligned in fight with the deadly virus. If that was only that one dimensional and easy. I speak with Dr. Williams about his career, what sparked his activism, road that lies ahead to heal us as a society, but also hard work that needs to be done so we all have voice in the system.

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Interview with Ellie Collins, advanced practice Nurse in Psychiatry: mental health in time of pandemic.

Interview with Ellie Collins, advanced practice Nurse in Psychiatry: mental health in time of pandemic.

The recent events shook us to the core. We deal with emotions and challenges of pandemic in different ways. I do not think there are two people on this planet who go through this common experience in the same way. Some deal with long standing mental illness, some suddenly found themselves anxious, frozen, or possibly feeling superpower and engaging in reckless behaviors. I work with Ellie at the same institution for the last six years and we share not only patients, but also friends and experiences together. This togetherness and connection created a perfect set up for talk with Ellie about her field of medicine in relation to pandemic and human emotions.

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Talk with Doc videos - part 1.

Talk with Doc videos - part 1.

Today I take you on the journey with medical assistant Jeannette who I work with and who has over 3 decades of clinical experience in the filed of rheumatology. She is a champion for patients, but she also inspired me with her handling of the pandemic with her strength, wisdom and grace. See more by watching the video.

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Libby Lykins, PA talks about Magnificent Metamorphosis.

I met Libby through our mutual friend Steve Lyons, the Cape Cod artist that I interviewed for these pages in spring. Libby is a woman who wears many hats - she is a practicing clinician, editor, author and transformation enthusiast who wants to reach broader audience with her Magnificent Metamorphosis Magazine, see link to blog I wrote about it 2 weeks ago. I sat down to talk to Libby about her passion in this 18 minute video, hope you enjoy.

Do you think of change, balance or transformation? Do you need minute for yourself, or perhaps you have strength to help and listen to others? Perhaps you are ready for Metamorphosis..

Follow the journey.