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Get moving Rhode Island!

Pandemic made us all adjust how we practice medicine, seek medical care, participate in diagnostics and treatment.

There is less surgeries and knee replacements. Folks are skipping dental clearance and mammographies, and doctors raise alarms about not to postpone necessary health screens and visits, like cancer preventive strategies. We need to get back to caring for our health, we need to keep moving. 2020 may be a year of Zoom, Moderna and BioNTech, and most of all Covid-19, but it does not mean we all need to gain 19 pounds and creaky joints in the process of social distancing, quarantine and remote work. Sedentary lifestyle is one of major determinants of health and can negatively impact longevity and life quality. Joints need movement to maintain our strong and healthy bodies.

Rheumatology never stopped.

We see patients in person and remote, we diagnose, consult, inject and aspirate the joints. We encourage patients to get necessary labs to continue their medication safely. Perhaps the biggest obstacle in appropriate care was and continues to be patients reluctance to get back to offices of physical therapy. Understandably patients have question how to do it safely in pandemic. That is exactly why I spoke with expert, Dr. Nula from Elite PT in Rhode Island. He talks with me about options of PT, in office safe visits, remote and in-home treatment options. Listen to this 9 minutes informative interview and get moving!

Physical Therapy doors (real and virtual) are open.