Michael Nula, Physical Therapist in Rhode Island talks with me how to take care of painful hand condition.

If like me you type on computer all day, or have awkward positions of fingers and hands in relation to your laptop, or even smart phone, you will understand while I reached out to my colleague Michael Nula, founder of Elite physical therapy office in lovely Rhode Island to converse about the stress to our hands.

We talk specifically about condition that is referred to as De Quervaine’s tenosynovitis or radial styloid tenosynovitis, the disorder that is degenerative and possibly inflammatory in nature, and that all of us may suffer from due to overuse of thumb and forearm tendons. The best and most commonly used example of the individuals who suffer from this ailment are new moms who develop that gradually after the birth of the child when they use hands all the time to care for their little bundle of joy. There is nothing funny about this annoying and painful condition, and while I see and treat many patients with De Quervaine’s with education, anti-inflammatories and steroid injections, I am also a strong advocate of power of self healing, natural remedies and physical and occupational therapies with expert like Michael. We talk about how he helps to heal that condition, but also how all of us need to pay more attention to our posture and how we should use our body wisely to prevent stress on the tissues of tendons, muscle and joints. We finish with practical exercises of the hands that will keep therm fresh and hopefully trouble free for years to come.

The vivid example how you and I stress the hands and forearms is illustrated in the picture below. While there is nothing as alluring as selfie, the bizarre hands positions during the process of photo taking may cause repetitive damage to gentle tendons of fingers and arms. Click wisely.


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