Foot care part 2.

I sat down for few minutes (six to be exact) with my colleague and podiatrist Dr. Jordan DeHaven to talk about foot arthritis, especially in big toe. We also chatted about foot-gear choices we make. Dr. DeHaven is also an educator and that is why when he talks I listen.

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Michael Nula, Physical Therapist in Rhode Island talks with me how to take care of painful hand condition.

If like me you type on computer all day, or have awkward positions of fingers and hands in relation to your laptop, or even smart phone, you will understand while I reached out to my colleague Michael Nula, founder of Elite physical therapy office in lovely Rhode Island, to converse about the stress to our hands. We talk specifically about condition that is referred to as De Quervaine’s tenosynovitis or radial styloid tenosynovitis, the disorder that is degenerative and possibly inflammatory in nature, and that all of us may suffer from due to overuse of thumb and forearm tendons.

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