Plantar Fasciitis

What to do to have healthy and happy feet, to enjoy walk, run, ballet class? I explore that in Feet Series. This episode deals with Plantar Fasciitis. I talk about it with foot expert, podiatrist Dr. DeHaven.

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Foot care part 2.

I sat down for few minutes (six to be exact) with my colleague and podiatrist Dr. Jordan DeHaven to talk about foot arthritis, especially in big toe. We also chatted about foot-gear choices we make. Dr. DeHaven is also an educator and that is why when he talks I listen.

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Pain In The Feet

Probability of foot issues increases with age and is related to a multitude of factors, like loss of cartilage, previous injuries, weak muscles and tendons among others. And while foot pain is a common complaint to musculoskeletal doctors and their clinics staff, that being rheumatologists, orthopedists who specialize in foot and ankle disorders, and of course podiatrist, it is not the subject that has been thoroughly studied and understood.

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