I was asked a question what to do to support immune system in this cold and flu and oh yes, Covid19 season.

The short video may shed some light on the issue at hand in regards to zinc, vitamin C and D.

What I do is eat plenty of fresh fruit (vitamins C)and vegetables that have easily absorbable vitamins and minerals if you introduce that as part of your meal planning strategy. In cold and scratchy throat season I use herbal teas with turmeric and ginger, both anti-inflammatory. I make my own teas from these spices. While I do use supplements in my diet, mostly vitamins D with Calcium, as I do not consume enough of milk and dairy to have proper amount to augment and maintain my bone and muscle cells, I do try as best as I can to get most of my vitamins and minerals from food sources, that is why we always have greek yogurt in the fridge. It takes effort to incorporate that in day to day operations, but I take planned meal and snack with me for lunch, especially now when many of our usual hospital entryways are closed due to health and temperature screening in pandemic, and heading to cafeteria is an arduous task. That is why having my own lunch box is easy and guarantees that what’s in it is eaten on the spot. So I do plan my lunches and while I do not reach for apple at home I will eat it with passion while at work. Bring two and I will eat that too. Zinc gives me indigestion so I only take it while I have active cold to manage that, as according to research that may shorten the cold.

What you do not want to miss is the opportunity to boost your immune system with plenty of sleep linked to better health, healthy dose of exercise with mix of balance, strength and aerobics, and meditation that may also help with infections, immune support and overall wellbeing concept support.

Final plug:

Boost your mood if you want to stay well: healthy mind means healthy body too.

And that is why I am really looking forward to December Holiday concert with Kathy Donkus on her harp. It will be recorded and posted here. If you missed the last mini-concerto and interview with her, click the button at the bottom of this post.

I have been asked the question, in Covid19 era, and cold and flu season, what to do with vitamin C, D and zinc? Do they support healthy immune system? How mu...

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Author of new book “Reflections on Transcendence” Libby Lykins.


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