Brain food - brain series part 5.

When I think about nutrition for the brain it would be so simplistic to write: eat dark chocolate, blueberries, concentrate on reducing saturated fats, eat frequent nutritious meals, but allow 8 hour fast (if your health allows that)and make sure not to skip meals for longer than needed. 

However I think it is very crucial here that we think about how we live, where we live and what season of the year we are observing to choose the healthiest brain recipes. 

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Benefits of cucumebrs.

Universal masking made my skin more problematic this spring and summer, but since I started loading on cucumber juices and salads I noticed a visible effect of more clear and plump skin.

Cucumbers are water-rich and have a large amount of vitamins and minerals in their skin, which I do not remove when I eat them.

The cucumber seeds have a diuretic effect, the green skin color has its intensity from chlorophyll and you will also find cholesterol decreasing sterols right in the outside layer which as I grow in my garden I consume with relative safety.

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