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Ode to onion.

The vegetable I’m about to recommend as a healthy alternative to cold remedies is not very sexy. The basic type does not have gorgeous color or look, and has a boring, predictable (oh, but perfect)shape. The onion I’m referring to is usually yellow-brown and round, but it may have many more eye and taste pleasing varieties. Nevertheless my friend, an onion is just an onion. To top it off many of us are cringing and crying when asked or choose to cut the darn thing. Do not take me wrong, with that or despite that, an onion is an essential flavor supporting ingredient of many meals and a powerhouse of the kitchen. I like them fresh on top of a salad or in a warm dish when cooked onion flavor is more subdued, allowing other ingredients to take a leading role. 

With its strong and near medicinal flavor and smell no wonder that onions have been praised since ancient times, across Asia and Roman Empire, for its cold relief and other healing properties. One cold and congestion recipe is to submerge a slice or two of onion in warm water for a brief few seconds, and drink the fluid through the day. It’s the sulfur compounds in onions that create the pungent smell, but are also responsible for its healing and antiseptic properties. Fresh onion juice mixed with honey may be another offering while you are under the weather with cold. While Covid19 is very contagious and may result in severe illness, at least 80% of those affected have mild cold-like symptoms. Staying hydrated and treating the cold naturally may be a simple way to get over it. As this infection is not yet well understood it is best to contact the doctor if things get worse (drowsiness, high fevers and shortness of breath are examples of things to keep on high alert), or if concerns arise during any medical ailment.