Vitamin C - the powerhouse.

There is a renewed interest in vitamin C (ascorbic acid), but in reality the “C” never goes out of style. You hear more about it in cold and flu season, or in relation to treatment of wounds, cold sores and other herpetic infections, protocols to treat urinary tract infections (UTI) among others. It is hard not to mention vitamin C containing skin products, tonics, creams, serums. They promise refreshed and healthier skin by boosting collagen production and cell renewal. In the time of pandemic there is constant talk and ongoing debates (at times supported by science)about possible treatments, supplements and other methods to improve immunity and survival success of those afflicted with Covid19 virus, or those trying to fend it off. The science and clinicians looked again at the vitamin C and ascorbic acid infusions were utilized to treat Covid19, mostly based on prior data of administration in severe infections.

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Anatomy of Gray Hair

There is so many pictures and articles written on glory of grey hair, or even fancy women transitioning from color to grey with an element of adventure and grace. I do not think that this is vain or even contrarian. I just think that more than ever this is the expression of getting to be comfortable with who and how you are and how you plan to spend the time you have left on this planet.

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Ode to onion.

With its strong and near medicinal flavor and smell no wonder that onions have been praised since ancient times, across Asia and Roman Empire, for its cold relief and other healing properties.

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