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Yoga instructor Carin thinks we all have talent.

Yoga is not only great for body, but perhaps even more vital for my soul.

In this 15 minutes-plus talk with Carin Trainer, yoga teacher and naturopath with office on Cape Cod, (see one of links below) I capture the essence of this great instructor and gentle human who enjoys all her students and thinks that we are not clumsy or injured, but seeking, beautiful and improving. I do not think this is incidental that I ran into her class some years ago while vacationing on Cape, but with the blossoming of remote yoga options I can continue practicing with Carin from wherever I am located, granted that I have proper internet access and some decent viewing device, at least iPad. I learnt that for yoga-remote one needs good size computer screen and comfortable space for mat as yoga poses require a bit of real estate around you. In addition, recent remote yoga classes gave me an idea that I need my prompts: bolster cannot be easily replaced by pillow, I need belt and yoga blocks for the best possible experience of that practice.

Carin mentions meditative aspect of yoga to which she comes back and tries to improve upon; she talks how yoga differs day to day and how OK it is for this body observation and allowance. She captures the motion of ability to free ourselves from stiffness and tightness (and perceived limitations)if we are gentle to our body and have a “I can” mind set. We also mention similar, but maybe unique issues in patient with arthritis and pain who would like to venture into yoga.

Below I included buttons to the equipment I recently acquired in order to have good in-house yoga class.