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Legacy of George Floyd

My new interview discusses legacy of George Floyd and what it means to be Black in the USA - watch or listen to my Talk with Doc with social activist and associate professor of trauma and surgery at University of Chicago, Dr. Williams, who is ready for sharing his perspective with broad audience. Brian was recently a contributor to Newsweek where he wrote op-ed on race and violence, and he was interviewed on CNN in recent days as well on similar topic. I thought that the sign of time that this interview be posted simultanously in Moments, the section of my blog dedicated to what is current, up to date, at times difficult, but what we need to talk about and be aware of. Watch a section, watch it all, I think that any part of the conversation may bud a curiosity in you to learn more about Black Americans, diversity, social justice and even pandemic. I remain grateful that Brian is a friend and colleague who (despite very busy calendar) wants to share his gentle thoughts of unity and change, vulnerability and that he talks openly about matters that need to be brought to surface and addressed.

Below you will see example of my art. I love creating portraits of diverse women, men at time. I love how our differences and similarities align, how much we have in common and how much fun I have depicting that in my drawings.