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Hello to Aloe.

I do not have much luck with growing indoor aloe plants, but I am giving it another try this year. Three of them were put in planting pots just few weeks ago. I bought medium size plants with hope that it will take less effort to have them established at home.

I like aloe for the look of they sturdy leaves, but also I am not immune to their potential benefits when applied to injured skin. See my video to find out more how I care for my new plants.

Aloe vera is a cactus and its inside, that is soft and gelatinous, have been used for mucosal healing and may have some potency against herpes virus. More common uses are for wound healing, skin burns and irritation. Some people use the mixture of aloe vera for treatment of joint pain. Efficacy of aloe vera products are not proven clinically and have potential for side effects. Exception here may be use superficially on skin where one may have plant related irritation, but probably not many other undesired side effects.